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  • In accordance with the FTC 16 CFR Part 255, the following companies generously supply me with complimentary product for promotional purposes: All That Scraps, By LORi Designs Taylored Expressions and Whimsie Doodles However, my enthusiasm in promoting their products does not stem from the fact that I am compensated by them, but because I feel their products and services are superior in this industry.

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April 08, 2014


Stephanie Kraft

Fabulous, Tracy! Love the boldness of this and your scissor embellie - it looks SO real!

Cassie T

I LOVE it, Tracy! Your scissors are amazing :D


Fabulous card, Tracy! Love your use of the photo dies to spotlight your vintage sewing machine. Thank you for the inspiration.


Love it. I especially love the scissors. I have never heard of a black glaze pen. Where would I purchase that from? Thank you for sharing.


What a sweet card Tracey. Love the black with pink... those scissors are awesome! Fabulous design.

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