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  • In accordance with the FTC 16 CFR Part 255, the following companies generously supply me with complimentary product for promotional purposes: All That Scraps, By LORi Designs Taylored Expressions and Whimsie Doodles However, my enthusiasm in promoting their products does not stem from the fact that I am compensated by them, but because I feel their products and services are superior in this industry.

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December 09, 2013


Nicole N.

Hope you are feeling better!!!
I've tried to leave comments on your last posts since the blog hop -- but they say, "closed" --
Boo !! :(

Your holidays cards have been too cute with the additions of liquid appliqué -- smooch glitz -- fluff, etc...!!
Love each & every one!!

This new image is exactly like Olaf from the movie frozen!! The reindeer tries to eat his nose a few times!!
Too cute!!!

Hugs to you -- hope all is well -- xo

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