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  • In accordance with the FTC 16 CFR Part 255, the following companies generously supply me with complimentary product for promotional purposes: All That Scraps, By LORi Designs Taylored Expressions and Whimsie Doodles However, my enthusiasm in promoting their products does not stem from the fact that I am compensated by them, but because I feel their products and services are superior in this industry.

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January 25, 2012


Holly Young

This is really cute. I love the little jewels in the corners and the die heart tucked in behind the image panel!

Heather D.

WHEW!!! I have da love, I have da love!!! My page just would not load for me to leave it! WAHH!!! What is up with that!?!?! I had to restart the computer. I LOVE this card. Who are we kidding... I LOVE all of your cards {snicker - the laugh not the bar}
My daughter loves / wants your blog because of your little faces and fun things. she wants a wordpress when she grows up, not a blogger :D hehehe!!!



Love those Pebbles papers ~ so stinkin' cute! And that Pure Innocence girl is pretty cute, too!! Love the paper piecing!


Awwwh hun, there's lots of love in the world, so I brought you a chunk of it (mwah). Gorgeous creation - such a cute little image, perfect to melt anyone's heart. Hugs Sxx

Craftdee Donna

Well I'm here!! Here's some love..... didya get it?? February is pretty celebration heavy in our house (Mum and Dads Anniversary, Valentines, Son's Birthday, Our Anniversary) so I'm always looking for "ingenious" (substitute "cheap") gift options. There's always the voucher book for hubby - you know, shoulder massage, facial (yeah, they do like it, lol) Big Night In (his choice of movie and whats for dinner etc) My hubby loves his voucher book! Phew, long comment! Donna xx


i'm here, i'm here! an adorable have the card making skillz down pat for a card for dh....well, for an idea this year, the girls and i are making booklets for dh with "10 things i love about you" theme. happy that it won't break the bank. the girls will each make their'll be super cute if miss c makes one for dh! hth and tfs!!!

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