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  • In accordance with the FTC 16 CFR Part 255, the following companies generously supply me with complimentary product for promotional purposes: All That Scraps, By LORi Designs Taylored Expressions and Whimsie Doodles However, my enthusiasm in promoting their products does not stem from the fact that I am compensated by them, but because I feel their products and services are superior in this industry.

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September 07, 2011



Very Cute!

Heather D.

This is adorable!!! I have to say.. great minds... lol. I made a card this week with the same style of sign (not as cute as yours, lol) but the same idea. I just cant post it until after the stamps are released :)

I liked your evil laugh by the way :D


Love Mumford! Adorable. Also, love your wicked laugh! I think you got it down, Tracy. ROFL <--- my non-wicked laugh!!

Nancy Thomas

Super cute Tracy - love Mumford - the sign is a great touch.

Amy Y

This is so cute Tracy! Love the papers and that sign post is a fab idea! Awesome card!

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