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  • In accordance with the FTC 16 CFR Part 255, the following companies generously supply me with complimentary product for promotional purposes: All That Scraps, By LORi Designs Taylored Expressions and Whimsie Doodles However, my enthusiasm in promoting their products does not stem from the fact that I am compensated by them, but because I feel their products and services are superior in this industry.

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February 18, 2010


tracy f

Aw, sorry you have to part w/ your goods, but hopefully they will be going to happy homes. :)


You are so thoughtful to be thinking of your family. I know your wonderful stamping goods will be going to good homes. Thinking of you and your family and hope everything gets sold!


it's a pitty we can't see what they look like. it's impossible to look for each one :(

good luck


you are a dear to take the time to list everything! and there are so many pics, too! it is alot of work for you....i really appreciate it, tracy! i just sent you an email with my wish lsit. let me know if you get it:):) hugs!

Nancy P.

Hi Tracy!! I'm so sorry you have to part with all of these stamps. I really need to be doing the same thing!! I sent you an e-mail earlier this morning. Miss you dearly!

Nancy P.

Hey Tracy!! Just sent you another e-mail. ;)

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